A Salute to Service!


It’s November, and no I’m not referencing “No-Shave November“, I’m talking about “Salute to Service” time in the NFL. As teams and the league go above and beyond to show support for the troops, veterans, and families in various ways, we here at Bucs Life Media, All Things Bucs, and BucDad Podcast would like to give a special THANK YOU to all those and the families of those who currently serve, along with those veterans and their families.

As a veteran of the United States Army, and fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, I would like to encourage fans everywhere to take the time to thank every veteran they come across this month, but not only thank them but please remember those veterans not here. Yes, we do have Memorial Day for that, but let’s never forget that they were veterans first and foremost.

Lastly, let’s no forget that we would not have this privilege or freedom without our men and women of the Armed Forces. Again, THANK YOU TO VETERANS EVERYWHERE.


For the Buccaneers, their “Salute to Service” game will be played on November 17th against the New Orleans Saints.